“Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.” – Psalms 42:5

The recent suicide deaths of high profile celebrities like Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain has caused me to search the Scriptures for an answer to this seemingly prevalent issue in our society. Preliminary investigations reveal their deaths may have been linked to depression of the soul. It makes one wonder what conditions of the soul are so horrifying that one would choose to end their own life?
Scripture reveals that one of the wisest and most righteous figures in the Bible, King David, suffered from this condition. It’s quite understandable once you see what struggles he endured in life. As a young boy, he was given the responsibility to shepherd sheep in the wilderness among ravenous wild beasts. He spent many long, dark nights in solitude. Later he was anointed as King of Judah where he was hunted like a dog by King Saul and his army. He spent many nights in cold, wet, and murky caves wondering what his anointment meant or even if it was real! He was rejected by his own people, so much that at one time he left and joined his enemies. David lived a challenging early childhood and managed many struggles in his life.
In the hands of God, there is no circumstance or situation that we can’t endure. Praise and glory to the One who carries us!
There is one thing, and one thing only, that kept David from succumbing to the perils of suicide: His trust in God. He knew who he was in the eyes of God and he took comfort in knowing that God could be trusted and was bigger than his circumstances. He knew what his anointing meant; not only did it mean that he would be the future King of Israel, it meant that he had obtained favor from the Creator of the universe. That favor translated into praise, protection, and providence to the Almighty. As the verse from Psalms at the top of this article states, when David faced the hardships of reality, he sought to put his future hope in God and to praise him through the storm. He recognized who he was in the sight of God and to whom he should trust in any circumstance he faced.
The same God that anointed David anoints those who put their trust and faith in Jesus. 1 Peter 2:9 states that we “are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession.” In the hands of God, there is no circumstance or situation that we can’t endure with praise and glory to the One who has chosen us.
If you have someone near and dear to you who may be contemplating suicide I suggest you tell them about the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who loves them enough to give His life for them. The love of God is the key to overcoming fleshly depression.
Seek professional help when needed. Christians aren’t immune to feelings of depression and doubt. Everyone needs a little help now and then. Know that you are valuable in the eyes of your Creator. Your life matters, no matter who you are. You are loved!
God Bless,
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I love this! I actually spoke on this today in my video. Depression has been a part of my life my whole life, but I am always telling the devil he is a liar! This part: “The same God that anointed David anoints those who put their trust and faith in Jesus. 1 Peter 2:9 states that we “are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession.” In the hands of God, there is no circumstance or situation that we can’t endure with praise and glory to the One who has chosen us.” really spoke to me. Thank you for writing and sharing with others the hope that is found in Jesus Christ! God bless!
Rebecca Wallace