“… always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” – 1 Peter 3:15
The apostle Peter is writing to believers scattered across the region of what we know today as northern and eastern Turkey. They were more than likely brand new believers forced to seek the safety of a barren, mountainous terrain because of the persecution they faced. Peter is writing to encourage them in their newfound faith in Christ and to prepare them to defend the faith.
In those days there was a constant threat of heresy creeping into the churches. Defense of the truth was vital for the success of the church. The Greek word used for defense is “logos” meaning “reason.” Peter is advocating that if they are questioned by local government officials or irritant Jews, they are to be ready to give the motive (account) for their belief in Jesus by using logical reasoning. The Greek word for account is “apologia” meaning “formal answer.” They were to give a logical reason for their belief in a formal, well thought out, non-offensive methodology that would persuade the most ardent non-believer.
In order to defend the faith like Peter was asking they had to diligently study the Old Testament scriptures as well as the few New Testament gospels and letters that were being circulated at that time. To win a debate they had to know with confidence what they believed and why they believed it.
Likewise, it is the responsibility of each of us to search the Bible for the basis of our belief. We, too, should be able to defend our faith, to argue with confidence the tenets of our belief in order to protect the truth and win souls to Christ.
In Christ,
Further reading on the topic of Faith:
Keeping the Faith
Behold, I am with You!
Walking in the Light
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