“For this commandment which I command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach. … See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity.” – Deuteronomy 30:11, 15
The Israelites have wandered 40 years in the Negev Desert and are now in Moab, east of the Dead Sea, poised to enter the Promised Land. Their faithful leader, Moses, addresses them one last time before climbing Mount Nebo to be with the Lord. The words from God are simple, yet penetrating to the soul. Two opposing options, two distinctly different benefits, one life-altering choice. He even prefaces it by saying that the choice is not too difficult to make and one that is certainly reasonable and reachable. Notice there is no middle ground, no grey area. Choose God and have life and prosperity, or choose rebellion and receive death and adversity. Simple and straight forward.
This passage really is the underlying theme revealed throughout the Scriptures. God, creator and sustainer of life on earth, loves His creation without bounds. His creation, endowed with a free will, can either follow His commands and statutes or follow the narcissistic callings of their own flawed hearts. It is rather quite simple when you think about it. But it may not be easy! There’s a distinct and clear difference between simple and easy.
The word “today” appears four times in verses 15-19, giving this text an urgent quality, a feeling of immediacy. Indeed, “this day” is always the day to decide for the Lord, the day to choose life, the day to begin anew. The person who defers important decisions until tomorrow will be tempted to defer them to other tomorrows, tomorrows that might never come. Tomorrows that are not guaranteed.
If anything, I hope this passage serves as a reminder to you and me of the urgency to spread the Good News available to all who seek Him. There are many people who are not cognizant of the choices in life as presented here. Let us not grow weary or immune to the need to tell others of the life and prosperity that can only be found in Jesus Christ. It is our duty, our calling, and our desire to forever be aware to present this same set of eternal options to those whom we come in contact with.
Remember, it’s not hard and it’s not beyond our reach!
In Christ forever,
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