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“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the Lord of host, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.”
Malachi 3:10
Malachi was the last prophet to receive a word from God before the Messiah, Christ Jesus, came to earth. His name in Hebrew means “My (God’s) Messenger” and, much like all the prophets before him, he was bold in his zeal for the Lord. I say bold because the message he had to deliver was not what his culture desired. His book suggests the disappearance of the enthusiasm that had been shown during the building of a new Temple in Jerusalem. He describes a priesthood that is forgetful of its duties, a temple that is underfunded because the people have lost interest in it, and a society in which Jewish men divorced their Jewish wives to marry out of the faith.
The Prophet lived sometime after the year 500 B.C. It was an era of spiritual disillusionment, for the glorious age that earlier prophets had foreseen had not materialized. It appeared the saving Messiah wasn’t coming, therefore, the people were living their lives as if he wouldn’t.
Sounds too eerily familiar, huh? However, it is comforting to realize that God’s Word was truth in the year 500 B.C. and is still true in the year 2019 A.D. His Word never changes, it’s constant and true. If there’s one thing that history has taught us, it’s that whatever God says He’s going to do He’ll do!
Malachi was speaking directly to the priesthood here. Remember that Peter says that we who have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior are priests, too (1 Peter 2:9). So, in essence, you could say that Malachi is speaking directly to you and me, God’s chosen priesthood.
This just so happens to be one of my favorite verses simply because it’s the only place in Scripture that God invites us, His creation, to try Him at His word, to test Him in His promise. Wow! It’s a no-brainer! Go all-in and exercise your faith in God by giving to Him what is rightfully His anyway. But I must warn you, you better be ready for the tsunami of blessings that will come your way! Have fun in your faith and be obedient to God.
In Christ,
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