We set up and made the www.truththatinspires.com website public last September and shortly after that I created a FaceBook page and set up a Pinterest account to go along with the ministry. They were easy as I already had experience with those two social media platforms. Then I also set up an Instagram and Twitter account. Those were a first for me.
I have been trying to diligently post at least one thing on each platform every day, and for the most part, have been pretty consistent. We have been blessed with people actually following us on our social media accounts! At first, Instagram seemed to be picking up speed the most, but last month Pinterest skyrocketed with our first “viral” pin.
I say “viral” because it totally blew away the exposure of all our other pins. I don’t know if there is a certain number of likes, saves, etc. that technically constitute something going viral on social media but dictionary.com simply defines viral as “becoming very popular by circulating quickly from person to person, especially through the internet.” In my opinion, this pin qualifies for that!
I’d say our average Pinterest pin gets around 50 saves. I’ve had about a dozen get around 200 saves and one around Thanksgiving time that got over 800 saves. I thought that would hold the record for a while but it pales in comparison to the “viral” pin. And let me add that I am completely humbled by even one person taking the time and thinking that something I put together was worth saving. But honestly, what gets saved has absolutely nothing to do with me, my artistic abilities (or lack thereof) which is evident by this pin that went viral.
What was that viral pin? It was a simple black background with white text. That’s why I know the interest it peaked had absolutely nothing to do with me and absolutely everything to do with the words on the image. Like many of the social media posts I make, this pin contained a Bible verse. Here it is:

Our first viral pin
Pretty basic, huh? Black background with white text and that is it. So why was this pin so popular? I honestly believe it is because parents truly want their children to know Christ. They want them to have a relationship with Him and to “walk in the truth.” I don’t have any other explanation. I think this verse touches the heart of parents. I know it does mine! I am so thankful that both our children are Christians and both are married to godly spouses. That truly does bring joy to my heart.
So just how “viral” was this pin? Below is a screenshot that I took on March 19, 2019. I wish I had taken a look on March 31st to see what it got up to for the month before the numbers were reset. If you look at the bottom left, that little eyeball shows the number of impressions. It means that 310.3 THOUSAND people saw the pin! Now I realize that a lot of those people may have not given the pin the time of day, it was just in their “feed.” However, the next number, the one in the middle with the push pin symbol shows that 3.5 THOUSAND people actually took the time and made the effort to SAVE the pin to their own boards. That just completely blows me away! The other number on the far right with the arrow means that 163 people clicked on the pin and went to our website. A much smaller number than the others, but still very humbling to me.

Analytics for the viral pin
Of course, that “viral” pin made the analytics for our Pinterest account go through the roof also. The below screenshot was taken on March 10, 2019. Once again, I wish I had checked toward the end of March to see what it actually got up to. This shows that as of that date our Pinterest account had 386.7 thousand monthly viewers and 10.3 thousand monthly people actually engaged (saves, etc.). Wow! Let me add that we have NEVER paid for advertising on any social media platform. That is all organic growth.

Our Pinterest account analytics
I wanted to share this with you, not to toot our own horn by any means. It is glaringly obvious to me that the public’s interaction with that post has absolutely nothing to do with us and everything to do with God. “The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
I wanted to share this with you as evidence that you never know how your words or your actions might encourage someone else. That is true on social media platforms but also in our everyday lives. That kind word you shared with a stranger may have brightened their day to the point where they blessed others. That seed of faith you planted in someone may have harvested into a call to full-time missionary work and now hundreds or thousands of others have come to know Jesus due to your “viral” words of truth. We don’t always get to see how our actions have touched and spread to others. We are just called to live in obedience to Christ Jesus, and He’ll take care of the rest.
I’m very thankful that our first viral post was not some pretty artsy-fancy design that I put together that might have tempted me to pat myself on the back for what a good job I had done. Truth That Inspires is a ministry and I want all the glory for anything that is accomplished through that ministry to be to God. We are merely His “hands and feet” on this journey.
By the way, if you are interested in saving that pin yourself, you can do it directly from this article. 😊 Just scroll back up and hover over the first image of the pin (or double click on a mobile device) and select the Pinterest icon that will appear on the upper left side.
If you are not following us on our Social Media accounts, we’d love to have you along on the venture. I can’t promise beautiful professional looking images and designs, but I do promise to share the Word of God and the truths that it contains!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TruthThatInspires/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Truth_Inspires
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truth_that_inspires/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/truththatinspires/
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I had a similar experience. My first “viral” pin was a Bible verse on God’s love(Romans 8:38-39). I got over 1k saves in a few days! I was surprised and humbled that something I did could be pleasant to so many people, and just thanked God for that, cause I know it wasn’t all me.