The way you start your day will have an impact on how the rest of your day will go. It affects your attitude, decision making, and motivation. If you start off with a bad attitude, the odds are you are going to have a rotten day. Even the actions you perform to start your day influence the outcome of the rest of the day.
Admiral William H. McRaven in a 2014 speech at the University of Texas at Austin declared that it is important to start your day by making your bed. He stated that making your bed is a simple thing to do, it starts the day right and gives you a sense of accomplishment which encourages you to accomplish the next task. It sets the course for a successful day.
While I personally am not a fan of making the bed (I mean you are just going to mess it up again that night, right?) I understand the reasoning behind why it is a good thing to do.
But even more important than making your bed, is starting your day right with God. I am not a morning person (at all) but have come to learn the importance of spending time with God in prayer and reading His Word first thing each day. It helps me to focus my mind on what He would have me accomplish that day. It gives me encouragement and direction.
The Bible is full of words of wisdom that I would encourage you to recite to yourself (and to your loved ones) every morning. Words that declare God’s sovereignty, love and affirmation. Words to start your day off right and guide you throughout the day.
Ten Daily Declarations Based on God’s Word
Below are some examples of declarations based on God’s Word to start your day. These are not quoted from any particular translation of the Bible but are worded in the first person to be a daily declaration of God’s goodness and mercies.
1. God made this day, I will be glad and thankful for it. (Psalm 118:24)
2. The Holy Spirit in me is greater than the evil in the world. (1 John 4:4)
3. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13)
4. I will not be afraid because I know that God is with me. (Isaiah 41:10)
5. Before I speak or dwell on a thought, I will ensure it is pleasing to God. (Psalm 19:14)
6. Everything I do today will be to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
7. My body is God’s temple therefore I will not defile it. (1 Corinthians 6:19)
8. Today I choose to deny myself, and follow God. (Luke 9:23)
9. I will repent when I sin and know that God faithfully forgives me. (1 John 1:9)
10. I will treat others as I would like to be treated. (Luke 6:31)
These words can be used in your prayer time with God. Ask God to help you believe the truth of these words and strengthen you to follow them.
These words can be recited as you look in the mirror, tell yourself these truths (maybe you’ll listen to yourself!).
These words can be recited throughout the day as a pick-me-up when you are feeling discouraged, afraid, or tempted to do something you know that you shouldn’t.
These words can be referred to at specific set times in the day as a gauge and reminder (“Have I said anything today that was not pleasing to God that I should ask forgiveness for?” “Have I treated others the way that I would want to be treated?”).
You can’t go wrong any time you turn to God’s Word. I suggest you spend time in prayer and write out verses in the first person that will help you start the day off right and encourage you throughout the day. You can use these ten but there are many others also. Prayerfully determine the ones that God will have you use. Write them on notecards and keep them handy to refer to throughout the day.
Memorizing the Scripture that these daily declarations are based on is also extremely helpful. You’ll quickly find that the notecards are no longer needed as God’s Word becomes a part of your daily routine.
If you wake up late and only have time for either making your bed or declaring God’s Word for your day, I suggest leaving the bed messy and turning to God’s Word!
Here are all ten daily declarations sized for saving to Pinterest.
Just hover over the picture (or double-tap on a mobile device) and select the Pinterest icon in the upper left corner.

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