With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it has me thinking about ways that we can and SHOULD show gratitude to others. How often do we actually sit down and think about all that we have to be grateful for and also WHO we have to be thankful to? Probably not near as often as we should (speaking for myself anyway).
Below is a list of seven simple, yet effective, ways that we can show our gratitude to others. Some might seem obvious, but others may be ways you’ve never thought about before.
1. Send an email to those in your contacts list.
This one tops the list, not necessarily because it is the BEST way to show gratitude but it is one of the EASIEST, most CONVENIENT ways and virtually anyone can do it. It doesn’t cost anything and if you have access to a computer, tablet or phone to be reading this article, more than likely you also have access to an email account. Of course, the challenge is that you must know the email address of the recipient.
Email is convenient because you can do it any time of night or day. There is no face-to-face contact, which is why it is not necessarily the BEST choice, but that does relieve some stress and may make it easier for some to relay deeper feelings of gratitude. It gives you time to think about what you want to say and plan it out.
Look at your email contacts list and think about each person individually. How have they blessed you? What does their friendship or other relationship mean to you? Sending an unprompted heartfelt message letting them know they are appreciated will make their day!
2. Write a letter to those you have addresses for or will see in person.
This is one step beyond (and better) than sending an email. Actually, taking the time to write a letter (preferably by hand, not typed) speaks volumes to the recipient. The letter doesn’t have to be on a store-bought card or even fancy stationary. The thought behind the letter is what matters the most.
With a letter, you don’t have to necessarily know the recipient’s address if you will be seeing them in person. Mailing the letter through the post office is only one option. You can hand it to them in person, slip it into their lunch box or jacket pocket or other creative means of delivery. The way it is delivered can be as special as the note itself!
If you’re a business owner with employees, this is an excellent way to show gratitude and convey your thankfulness to those who make your business a success. It is highly probable that some of your employee’s love language is affirmation, meaning that a simple note of gratefulness deposits loads of points in their love bank. Those who have read or are familiar with the popular book The Five Love Languages know exactly what I’m referring to!
3. Say thank you to EVERYONE, even complete strangers.
This is so simple, yet so often overlooked. I bet if you made a conscious effort to look for opportunities to say thank you throughout the day, you’d find at least 10. Show gratitude and say thank you whenever anyone holds the door open for you (even if it is just not letting the door close in your face). Say thank you when the clerk hands you your change and/or receipt. Say thank you to your hairstylist, nail tech, or others providing a personal service. Say thank you when your spouse cooks a meal, cleans the kitchen and does the laundry. Say thank you when your children pick up after themselves, play nice with their siblings or demonstrate obedience. Look for opportunities to say thank you and do it every chance you get!
4. Give a gift to those who you especially appreciate.
This doesn’t have to be a large or costly gift. Again, it is the thought that counts, especially to those who’s love language is receiving gifts. Give your child’s teacher a box of pencils, post-it notes or some other consumable for the classroom to show gratitude and acknowledge the investment and sacrifices they make every day. Take a friend out for a cup of coffee or lunch (your treat) and let them know it is simply because you appreciate them.
And don’t forget the ministry workers in your church. From the pastors to the Sunday School teachers, to those serving coffee and putting up chairs. A token of appreciation will show that you acknowledge their efforts and that what they do matters.
5. Give gift cards to police officers and other public servants.
This is similar to number four except the “gift” is bought without a specific recipient in mind. For the last two years around Christmas time, we have purchased $10.00 gift cards to local donut and coffee shops and kept them in the car. Whenever we are out and about and see a police officer we give them one of the cards and thank them for their service to our community. You should see their reactions! Most honestly don’t know how to even respond to this simple act of gratitude.
This option has a bit of a price tag associated with it so may not be in the budget for everyone. You could replace the gift cards with simple handwritten notes or other low-cost option. The point is, going out of your way to show gratitude and appreciation to those who put their life on the line and have dedicated themselves to serving the community in which you live. Just saying thank you also goes a long way!
6. Hand thank you cards to those in the military.
When you see random strangers in their military uniforms, hand them a thank you card and thank them for their service. If you don’t have cards on hand, a verbal thank you still goes a long way. If you want to go one step further, offer to buy their meal if you see them in a fast-food chain or restaurant. And not only consider strangers that you see in uniform but consider others that you may know that are currently, or have served, in our nation’s military. It’s not too late to show gratitude and appreciation to them as well!
7. Keep a gratitude journal.
Before you go to bed each night, take time to recap your day and think of all you have to be thankful for. Jot down those things in a notebook or journal. Then start each day looking through the journal and reminiscing on how much you have been blessed. If you start the day on a positive note like that, it is more likely to be another good day! Also consider reciting a positive daily declaration based on God’s Word to jumpstart your day.
I know you are probably thinking, how does that show gratitude to others? Well, here is where you show gratitude to God! Thank Him daily for each of the items on your list. If for no other reason, “give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.” (1 Chronicles 16:34)
If you struggle with seeing what you have to be thankful for, read Six Reasons Everyone Has to be Thankful and Five Reasons Why We Should Give Thanks to God.
We’ve covered how you can show gratitude to your family, friends, and even complete strangers. Who will you show appreciation to today?
“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!”
1 Corinthians 15:57
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[…] Looking for more ways to give back? Check out Truth That Inspires‘ article on Seven Ways to Show Gratitude. […]
Thank you for the reminder and for the suggestions. I know that hand written letters are almost a thing of the past, but also know that people save them. I’ll put this idea to use. Blessings, Marcia
I love the gratitude journal idea! My parents always had us say at least one thing we were grateful for each night before going to bed. It helped so much!