“Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation …” – 1 Peter 2:2
How many of you love chocolate? If you’re like me it could be anything chocolate; chocolate ice cream, chocolate milk, chocolate strawberries, etc. The list is literally endless … as long as there is chocolate in it or on it!
The reason I enjoy chocolate is
This imagery is sort of what Peter is conveying to his audience of young Christian converts. Instead of chocolate, he uses the analogy of babies yearning to be nursed. Like a newborn instinctively craves their mother’s milk, so we should crave the word of God. After “tasting” that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8) believers should “crave” for more through the reading of His Word.
A great story that corresponds beautifully with what Peter is saying here is the story of the temptation of Christ in Matthew 4:1-11. The rebuttal instrument that Jesus employed in all three temptations was the Word of God (the Sword of Truth, Ephesians 6:17). The phrase “For it is written …” ought to be a part of all of our vocabulary. Like Jesus’ responses, it should be followed by memorized Scripture to ward off any evil that comes our way.
Can you imagine a newborn baby NOT wanting to be nursed? Can you imagine this same baby (if he/she could talk) telling everyone that it’s ok when they obviously lack nourishment? Likewise, a newborn Christian, after “tasting” that the Lord is good, will instinctively need, desire, even
This is going to sound harsh, but the truth usually does! If you find yourself not wanting to read the Word of God then are you really born again? Just like newborn babes, newborn Christians should instinctively desire to know more about their Creator and Maker, and His will for their lives, by craving the spiritual food that comes from reading the Word of God. It’s something to think about!
In Christ,
Questions to Ponder:
1. In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus clearly had a mind full of Scripture (Old Testament). The quotes came readily to His tongue. What implications are there for the amount of time we should spend with God’s Word?
2. If God’s words are essential to
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