“So if You are going to deal thus with me, please kill me at once, if I have found favor in Your sight, and do not let me see my wretchedness.” -Numbers 11:15
One of the characteristics of the Bible that lends to its authenticity is the fact that God includes the good, the bad and the ugly in relatable real-life situations. He doesn’t hold back much. It is not all feel-good and good-guy-always-wins stories. No matter what generation reads Scripture, the stories are totally relatable. This passage is no exception.
Here, in Numbers chapter eleven, the Israelites have been wandering in the desert for about two years and were complaining to Moses about the lack of meat to eat. Moses, for the most part, bore the burden of their complaints yet grew impatient with their constant bickering and lack of faith. He became frustrated with them for never being satisfied and continuously wanting more. This wasn’t the first time they had whined about lack of food and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
Just a few months prior to this event God provided manna to meet their growing concern for nutrition in the desert. Moses seems to have reached his boiling point. So, he does what any red-blooded, God-fearing human with feelings would do. He went to God and laid every emotion (anger, frustration, fear, etc.) he had on the divine table before God. What I love most about this verse is that it is a testament to Moses’ relationship with the Creator of the Universe. It’s as if he was saying, “Look, quit playing games with me and get on with your business!” What person in his right mind would talk to God like that? One with a good relationship!
In my view the takeaway from this story is two-fold. First, it informs me that over the past 40 or so years of Moses’ life he had developed a solid relationship with God. It wasn’t built overnight. Moses spent many a day atop Mt. Sinai doing more listening than talking to God. I believe that same concept of listening to God’s Word and praying daily will contribute to a healthy relationship with Jesus Christ His Son.
Second, it’s fair to say that even though Moses was upset at God his faith in God did not waver. I must admit, those are pretty bold words that he spoke in Numbers 11:15! I believe Moses was sincere when he said, “Either do something miraculous or take me now!” I believe it’s safe to say that you or I will never surprise God with our feelings. However, I do believe God wants us to demonstrate our faith and cast our burdens upon Him just like Moses did years ago.
During this world-wide pandemic you may be moved to tell God exactly how you feel about being isolated, frustrated and, quite frankly, lonely and afraid. Trust me, I know how you feel! It might be a great time to go to the top of your “Mt. Sinai” and have a conversation with the Almighty. This, I can assure you, would be most pleasing to God. After all, it is your relationship that He so desires! Talk to Him, but most of all, listen to what He may have to say to you. Be blessed!
In Christ,
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