Book Review: God is for Real by Todd Burpo
I picked this book up because of the tag line “and He longs to answer your most difficult questions.” The book was not what I was expecting. I was expecting a list of tough questions with a detailed deep-dive explanation/answer for each (but then, I really like details!). What I found was uplifting stories of faith and encouragement on topics like God being able to use everyone regardless of their past, sharing your faith, and looking beyond hypocrites in the church.
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A question is posed at the start of each chapter. Here is a list of just a few of them (there are 22 in total):
- Why should I even be interested in all this God-talk?
- Can I do something about the dark and ugly evil that exists in this world, even in me?
- What does God really want from me?
- Complete honesty is hard for me. Can God handle the thoughts I hide from everyone else?
- Is it okay that I don’t like hypocritical church people? Is there any defense for how they treat people?
- I don’t think much about God; does he think much about me?
- Why does God seem to not answer some of my most important prayers?
- I go to church, buy why isn’t it working for me?
- Does God really need me to speak to others about him?
- Can’t I keep my faith a private matter?
- What about the difficulty and pain in my life? What does God do about that?
- If God’s so big – why doesn’t he crush evil right now? Why doesn’t he intervene?
Although the book was not the detailed explanations that I was expecting it to be, it is still a good read. I personally got more out of the book in the latter chapters than I did the initial ones. When I first started reading it, I was a bit disappointed, but by the end I was totally engrossed, encouraged, and motivated to strengthen my walk with Christ.
This book’s author, Todd Burpo, is also the author of Heaven is for Real which was made into a movie in 2014. He is actually the father of the boy the movie is about (who dies and goes to heaven, then returns to tell about it). Todd is the pastor of a Wesleyan church in Nebraska and a volunteer firefighter.
The book is full of sound theology. There was one thing mentioned that I questioned, but I have never studied it personally and need to dig into it deeper. He mentioned that loved ones that have passed away can see you from Heaven. I understand there is some scripture that can infer this but not sure I would have stated it in the manner that he does.
In the book, Todd relays several real-life stories he has experienced as a pastor and firefighter. His son’s experience as depicted in Heaven is for Real is referenced several times also.
When I first started reading the book, I felt a little bit like he was pushing his other book and the movie based on it, but got past that feeling a few chapters in as the words of encouragement pierced my heart. The big take away for me was re-emphasizing that God does care about and hear His children and that how we live out our faith is important.
One of the topics that affected me most was in the chapter “Made in Practice.” In that chapter, Burpo compares your spiritual life to wrestling. He states that you “win the match in practice, not in the match itself. The match is just where you execute what you’ve trained your body to do.“ He states that you need to know what you are aiming at spiritually just like the old adage goes, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” “No one scores a victory in practice, but no championship comes without it.”
While Burpo’s focus was mainly on how your trials and difficulties can make you strong and better equipped spiritually, I found a different personal application with a topic that has been on my mind lately. I have been thinking about some difficult questions that I have recently seen asked by others (not to me directly) and how to address them (and even if I should be the one to address them). After reading this chapter it clicked that what I need to do is “practice.” I need to “train” my spiritual muscles so that when those opportunities arise, what I have already practiced diligently will naturally kick in. I have been considering taking seminary classes to dive deeper into God’s word, and for me, reading this book was confirmation that is something that I should do.
The book ends with 16 questions which I consider “Calls to Action.” They make you consider what the next step is that God is calling you to. I particularly liked that conclusion.
After reading this book yourself, it would be a good one to share with a non-believer or someone that is struggling with their past and/or their faith. It was an easy read which actually brought me to tears a few times as I was drawn in to the experiences he shared from his own life. I rate this book a 4.5 out of 5.0.
This book can be purchased from our Affiliate Partner Christianbook Distributors at the link below. It is currently available in paperback, hardcover, large print, Spanish, ebook and audio CD.
Product Description
God Is for Real: And He Longs to Answer Your Most Difficult Questions
By Todd Burpo with David Drury
What is God really like? Why are there so many hypocritical church people? With a fireman’s courage and a local pastor’s compassion, Burpo articulates the gritty questions that many people have about faith, prayer, suffering, and more—and attempts to offer answers to their difficult struggles and painful doubts.
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