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Book Review: Home Run by Kevin Myers & John Maxwell
This book ranks as one of the best “how to live the Christian life” books I’ve ever read. The fact that John Maxwell (one of my favorite authors) is one of the authors probably contributes to that claim. Kevin is the main author while John pipes in every once in a while, to add further comments to Kevin’s claims.
The book’s title derives from the concept of life being analogous to the game of baseball. First base represents “how to win within,” second base “how to win with others,” third base “how to win results” and home plate “how to win with God.” Myers instructs that in order to hit a home run in life a Christian must first step up to home plate and then run the bases in proper order.
He starts with home plate where every person has a chance to hit the ball which is a metaphor for developing their relationship with God. Without God we have no purpose in life, but with God we are driven to discover the mind of Christ. He outlines several ways one can build their relationship with God and become the person God wants them to become. The fact that God is more interested in “who” we become rather than “what” we do is an underlying theme.
After a person becomes a Christian and discovers their true purpose in life they begin to round the bases. First base is where they discover who they are in Christ. He exclaims how a Christian is a child of the King and a masterpiece in progress. Christians must view themselves correctly to develop the proper character and motives expected of being called a child of God’s.
Second base focuses on relationships with others, both believers and non-believers. Myers doesn’t hold anything back. He tackles issues like growing up in an abusive family, divorce, and how to properly deal with revengeful thoughts. He adds credibility to the chapter by confessing some of the hard times he experienced growing up. This chapter is ultimately a help on how to view and value others greater than yourselves.
Third base deals with seeing life from God’s perspective. He gives hints on controlling emotions and how rationality sometimes clashes with God’s plan for your life. He uses several real and biblical examples to enforce his point.
All-in-all this is a good read. It flows smoothly and hits some hard-to-talk-about subjects. I would recommend it highly to any Christian friends you may have that are struggling with their walk with Christ. It is very biblically based and well written.
This book can be purchased from our Affiliate Partner Christianbook Distributors using the link below. They also currently have it available as an e-book, audiobook and in large print.
Product Description:
Home Run: Learn God’s Game Plan for Life and Leadership
By Kevin Myers & John C. Maxwell
Are you getting the most out of your life and leadership opportunities? Using a baseball diamond to represent God’s pattern for success, the authors help you stop running the “bases” backward—and encourage you to establish a connection with God first, then focus on character, community, and competence. Includes end-of-chapter discussion questions and applications. 192 pages, softcover from Faithwords.
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