“I will bow down toward Your holy temple and give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For you have magnified Your word according to all Your name.” – Psalm 138:2
Our purpose in life is to glorify God in everything we say and do. “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Essential to our ability to glorify God is the knowledge of God, and knowing Him personally in view of that knowledge.
The word “glory” in the Greek New Testament is doxa which means an opinion or reputation in which one is held. It refers to that which should accrue to God as praise, thanksgiving, obedience, reverence, and service because of who God is and what God does. In other words, we cannot give proper glory to God if we do not have knowledge of God (revelation of God), and if we do not know God personally (response to God).
The Lord Jesus said in John 17:3, “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” The many names of God used in Scripture provide additional information on His character, His works, and His relationship to us. They are additional revelations to who He is and how He operates.
Here are just a few examples:
Jehovah-Rapha (ex. Exodus 15:26) means “The Lord that healeth”
Jehovah-Yireh (ex. Genesis 22:13-14) means “The Lord will provide”
Jehova-Shalom (ex. Judges 6:24) means “The Lord our Peace”
Jehova-Ra-ah (ex. Psalm 23:1) means “The Lord my Shepherd”
Elohim (ex. Genesis 1:26) means “Lord Almighty” and is plural, demonstrating “three-in-one” (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
Note David’s declarations about God’s name and word in Psalm 138:2 shown at the top of this article. God’s name declares God’s nature, but it is God’s Word that reveals God and His name.
We know what God is like, not only by His perfections and works but also by His names. They tell us many things about God’s care and concern for His own. This is one of the fascinating studies of Scripture. The various circumstances which bring forth each of the names of God are important and I want to encourage you to dig through the Scriptures and see how God reveals Himself through His different names.
Get to know God by studying His Word and quietly conversing with Him in prayer. You will love what you will discover!
In Christ,
Suggested Further Reading:
The following book by Kay Arthur is one that Jonsie has read which provides more information on the various names of God. It can be purchased through our Affiliate Partner Christianbook Distributors at the links below. It is currently available as paperback and ebook. CBD also has several other books on the subject you might want to check out.
In this insightful study of God’s names, Kay will teach you how to call upon the names of God so that you can connect with your: Protector in times of vulnerability, Healer in times of illness, and Provider in times of financial drought. Learn how to call upon specific names of the Lord who can provide for your every need.
More articles on the nature of God:
Did God Create Evil?
God’s Continual Sovereignty
Putting God in a Box
A Big Picture God!
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