Book Review: The Unsaved Christian by Dean Inserra
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Interesting title, huh? Yeah, it caught my eye, too, because at first glance it sounds like an oxymoron like jumbo shrimp or friendly fire. It perked my interest so much I had to read it … and I’m glad I did!
Dean Inserra is a young, brash preacher who is not afraid to face controversy head-on, especially when it involves knowing and following Jesus Christ. He is the founding pastor of City Church in Tallahassee, Florida. He is a graduate of Liberty University with an MA in theological studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently pursuing his DMin from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
In this book, Dean tackles a subject many would call taboo, the issue of people who call themselves Christian but don’t exhibit the fruits of the Spirit. We all know these people who are everywhere; in our neighborhood, in the church, at sports venues, in civic organizations and even in our family. They claim to know Jesus Christ and can even tell you a few of the major stories of the Bible, but when pressed to live the life of Christ they come up miles short. Dean calls these people Cultural Christians simply because they are a striking result of the culture in which they live.
Dean has come up with clever names for these so-called Christians and has divided the book into chapters dedicated to each kind. Chapters include The Country Club Christian, the Christmas & Easter Christian, the God & Country Christian, the Liberal Social Justice Christian and the Moralistic Therapeutic Deist/Good Guy Next Door just to name a few. In each chapter Dean explains with great clarity the profile that fits each of these types of Christian wannabees, what they mistake the Gospel for, and effective ways and methods one can use to share the Gospel with them.
What makes this book effective and eye-opening is Inserra’s canny ability to talk openly about what we all have observed. He holds nothing back and, for the most part, properly addresses the problem with Cultural Christians. He encourages the reader to openly engage with people like this and to be more concerned with their eternal salvation than with maybe offending them with the topic.
I rate this book a 4.8 out of 5.0 simply because of the necessity of the topic that it exposes. His writing style is smooth, concrete and concise. He does a good job transitioning between subjects and keeps the reader engaged. I would highly recommend this book for both the Christian and as a gift to someone who may need to read it … like a Cultural Christian!
This book can be purchased for a great price from our Affiliate Partner Christianbook Distributors at the link below. It is currently available in paperback, as an eBook, and unabridged audio CD.
Publisher’s Description:
The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christians with the Gospel
By Dean Inserra
Learn how to spot cultural Christianity and reach over-churched but unsaved ‘Christians’. Many people place a faith in a false gospel yet are highly familiar with Christianity and even attend church regularly. In The Unsaved Christian, author Dean Inserra identifies different types of cultural Christians, common thought patterns of people who call themselves Christians but don’t know Christ, and offers helpful starting points that lead to deeper conversations leading them to saving faith in Christ alone. Be prepared to reach this huge mission field!
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